
  • First Solar復蘇之路

    Adam Lashinsky 2014-05-06 10:28 發現相似文章

    ??1First Solar在競爭對手紛紛破產的情況下頑強地挺了過來。為了堅持到這一天,First Solar 和其他公司經歷了過山車般的發展,先是太陽能行業的投資者和政府補貼蜂擁而至,然后是產能極度過剩、與中國的貿易戰、價格跳水,緊接著又是前不久的一輪緩慢金融復蘇。目前,First Solar 公...


    Adam Lashinsky 2014-05-14 09:21 發現相似文章

    First Solar 公司CEO 休斯攝于公司在斯科茨代爾(Scottsdale)的一個太陽能電池陣列內。圖片:JESSECHEHAK《財富》(中文版)-- 如果你想為太陽能公司找一位掌門人,吉姆·休斯(Jim Hughes)是你最不愿見到的人選。首先,這位51歲的得克薩斯人是一位律師,不是物理科...

  • 美國First Solar成全球最值錢光伏企業

    精選 2024-05-30 02:00 發現相似文章

    截至5月28日收盤,美國最大的光伏企業First Solar再上漲1.24%,收于280.16美元,總市值299.89億美元(約合2174億元人民幣),暫時坐穩全球市值最高光伏公司寶座。同一天收盤,中國A股市場中僅剩兩家光伏千億市值企業。其中陽光電源市值最高,達到1482.03億元;隆基綠能次之,為...

  • PG&E signs deal for first space-based solar farm

    財富中文網 2009-04-14 11:25 發現相似文章

    By Todd WoodyCalifornia utility PG&E has signed a deal for the world’s first space-based solar power plant, to be built by a secretive Southern Califo...

  • First electric cars, now electric planes

    財富中文網 2009-08-26 05:44 發現相似文章

    By Jeffrey M. O'BrienElectrical aeronautics promises to revolutionize aircraft design.GM (MTLQQ) has earned high praise this summer – and deservedly s...

  • The world's biggest solar deal

    財富中文網 2009-05-15 05:25 發現相似文章

    By Todd WoodyCalifornia utility PG&E on Wednesday expanded an agreement with BrightSource Energy to buy 1,310 megawatts of carbon-free electricity to ...

  • Will solar in 2011 look like automobiles in 1911?

    Alex Taussig 2010-10-13 12:17 發現相似文章

    The automobile traces its roots back to Europe — first to France in 1860 with the invention of the internal combustion engine, and then to Germany in ...

  • China's new king of solar

    財富中文網 2009-04-17 12:12 發現相似文章

    來源:2009年2月號《財富》雜志Suntech's Shi Zhengrong built one of the world's biggest solar-power companies. Now, with economies slowing, he faces the challenge o...

  • Sempra to run nation’s largest PV solar farm

    財富中文網 2009-04-16 11:27 發現相似文章

    By Todd WoodySempra Generation on Wednesday said it has signed a deal for the United States’ largest photovoltaic power plant, a 48-megawatt solar far...

  • Twitter: Buzz first, profits later

    財富中文網 2009-04-10 05:46 發現相似文章

    The "Web toy" is hot. Who cares how Twitter will make money?By Adam LashinskyLast summer, well after Twitter had become the buzz of the New York and S...

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